
Drooling Sparkles Continued

I picked up my film and went to print it straight away. I love printing color it's so exciting see your image come out of the kreonite. I can't believe this image is sharp and it has a cool movement to it. I shot it wide open on a rickety old 8x10 camera. The sparkles on my tongue made me drool A LOT so at the tip of my chin there is definitely drool. This has inspired me to do more self-portraits. More to come.


Bath Time

The other day I asked Jenny (my sister) to get into the bath so that I could take photos of her. She didn't want to but I begged. I wanted my dog to get in with her but that didn't happen. Taking this shot I almost slipped into the bath with the hassleblad.


Drooling Sparkles

Today I shot my self portrait. I shot it with a 8x10 view camera. This image is shot with my dslr. I hope the 8x10 worked I will pick it up tomorrow and I hope for the best.

The night before I had no idea what to do. I was going to do a simple portrait on a gray seamless but then I saw an image of a girl with really cool eye makeup. I found some sparkles and I started playing around. This is the result.


There is so much culture in Mexico. You can just walk in the streets and feel it. Everyone is always relaxed and care free. I always run into interesting people when I'm there.

What are you going to be when you grow up?

A Photographer. I just started my 4th and last term in my photography program. I will use this blog to post my recent work. Time to create my portfolio and figure out what I'm going to do with my life.